Sunday, December 20, 2009
Isn't it beautiful?
And here are photos from the elementary and middle/high school Christmas concerts!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Who Needs Normal?
Logos is a place full of students from broken families, from adoptive families, from single-parent families, from non-nuclear families. (Non-nuclear is normal here: living with your aunt or grandpa doesn't mean that your parents are totally absent or have passed away, although that's the case for some students.) I have students who live by themselves and students who might as well live by themselves because their parents work nonstop. I have students who have witnessed a murder, been kidnapped for ransom money, been a victim of rape, whose birth moms worked in prostitution. Then I also have students from super-inspirational missionary families, whose parents have done incredible things.
Logos is a place of privilege and financial need. One student's dad is close to Prime Minister Hun Sen. I have students whose families have their own chauffeurs, who stay at luxury hotels during their trips to Hong Kong and Bangkok, whose homes clearly fall into the "mansion" category. And I have students who have never taken a vacation, for whom $3 shirts at Russian Market seem exorbitant, whose recent grocery trips have come back a little lighter than they'd like. One of my co-workers used to work on an assembly line at a garment factory.
Logos is a place full of outstanding students. It's easily the toughest school in all of Cambodia. Coursework is roughly as rigorous as State High, the school full of professors' kids where I taught last year. It's 100% in English, although about 90% of students are non-native English speakers. Their English is incredible in most ways, so that I'm taken aback when they've never heard of a toddler or a porch, or when they ask me to plug out an appliance. They work hard to understand physics and government and sonnets, and to communicate about them in a borrowed language.
Logos is also a crazy place spiritually. It's almost like a youth group in terms of teachers' close relationship with students. When a student cheated, I prayed with him. Students freely include Bible verses in their essays. And the faith of many students is truly amazing to me. But not all students are Christian or even know what they believe. A few have fallen out with their Buddhist families because of their Christian faith. Some, who are definitely Christian, struggle with obvious sin issues like rage and theft and sexual sin. These students are still very much a part of the Logos family. And I've seen spiritual fruit in them even as they deal with ongoing stuff. I've seen students show each other grace, support each other, and be real with each other in astonishing ways.
Logos was started haphazardly and has experienced much chaos. It was and is staffed by inexperienced and sinful and issue-filled people. It doesn't deserve to be anything special. And yet it is a place where God is so present. It's a place that is dear to many hearts, mine increasingly so. It's going to be a shock for me to go anywhere else after here... I'm hoping I won't have to for a while.
It’s been neat to get a glimpse of the building process, albeit only toward the end of it. For example, in
Many students’ first official tour of the school came last weekend, at the middle and high school Christmas concert. It was Logos’ first-ever band concert (for middle school only), and it was a labor of love to acquire instruments for the band! You can buy guitars and local traditional instruments here, but I guess not things like flutes and trumpets and keyboards. So they arrived very piecemeal, from donors overseas or in suitcases. I was quite impressed by their sound! It was a step above my memory of middle school band concerts, partly because of strategic placement of several musically gifted students. The choir concert also sounded lovely. Everyone wore black clothes, which is strongly associated with mourning here, so the girls also wore the beautiful scarves available at markets here. It looked so nice together.
I’m quite excited for my new classroom! It’s considerably larger, and I'll actually have options in arranging the seats. (Right now, the rows are packed in, and students in the fifth row always complain they can't see to the front in my long, narrow room. There, I can have twice as many front-row seats, since that's where many students prefer to sit! I never had this problem in the US.) All that I’m dreading is the distance (about a 10-minute car or moto ride, or 15 minutes by tuk-tuk). It’s been so great to dash over to school on foot to grade on the weekends, or swim in the pool, or use their Internet. Now I’ll need to be more organized, especially since Sarah and I are hoping to share a moto. Many Logos families are moving out to that area: housing is cheap, and almost all expats in
Friday, December 4, 2009
Christmas...and not a fried banana in sight.
The Logos staff Christmas party was last night, and I did my part as a verified Sunshine Committee (aka Party Planning) member by...
1. Arriving early to help decorate the pillars with festive ribbons
2. Providing many people's first-ever taste of buckeyes (balls of peanut butter and powdered sugar dipped in melted chocolate chips) - who knew they were such a regional dish? By the way, I used some precious US chocolate chips, since only one grocery store here carries any. Since even those wouldn't melt properly on my overactive stovetop, it was a labor of love by Sarah and me.
3. Playing the Yankee gift swap game, using the gift Sarah wrapped: a free Rudy DVD that we found in our apartment when moving in. It had the dubious distinction of being the last of 26 gifts to be chosen from the pile. At least it went to Shirley, another Philly native, and not one of the guards or cleaners who speak next to no English and have never seen a football game.
By the way, the big joke in planning the potluck dinner was how many fried bananas there would be. Last year, apparently all 8 or so of the guards decided that fried bananas from street vendors (delicious and cheap) would make an excellent addition to the feast. This year, we instituted a signup sheet for various categories, in part to impede a similar glut of fried fruit. It seems fried bananas here are Cambodia's answer to Doritos.
Click here to see photos of our rooftop festivities at the principal's house.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Cool Season
It was so cool, I didn't even want to turn on the air con ("air conditioning" in Asian English) in my classroom. Unfortunately, while half my students huddled in thin cotton zip-up sweatshirts, the other half insisted air con was still necessary - a point not entirely irrational. Because cool season or no, the high today was 87. (We've had one day below 86 since October 1.)
I had nearly given up on cool season as a myth with which to lure unsuspecting foreigners. Supposedly, it started a month ago and will continue through February or so. Khmer people even claim that it's noticeably less sweltering than a few months ago, though they concede it's been extra-humid. But all this week, as usual, my subdued evenings of reading and grading have left me uncomfortably sticky. (Outside was a bit cooler, but I was too far from the window.) I keep trying in vain to sleep without my fan. That's why the cool season came as such a delicious gift.
As for winter? That, for me, starts next June, when I arrive back in Doylestown for two months. Bring on the blankets, the cardigans, and the wool socks! I'll be ready for those unseasonable blizzards...or just for Pennsylvania's typical temperature mood swings.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Samto Cookies
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Hitler on my kitchen counter
"So I was looking at our neighbors' balcony," she commented, "and they have a tiny wooden house on it."
"Oh, really?"
"It looks kind of like our little house, but it has incense in it. Do you think it could be...?"
Oh, dear, I think she's right. I had just noticed it for the first time that week, because Sarah had started to leave her keys on top of it. Brilliant!, I thought, you'd never lose them that way. I hadn't thought about its intended purpose, though, except maybe as a souvenir. Wow, I felt slow.
"I can't believe I've been leaving my keys on the spirit house!" Sarah groaned. "What must the neighbors have thought, if they noticed it through the glass door? What should we do with it?"
We knew that most Buddhist families had some kind of spirit house inside to honor their ancestors, similar to the shrines we'd seen outside, but we'd never seen a spirit house. We concluded that since Logos wouldn't have bought it for us, it must have been a housewarming gift from our landlords. One which we had obviously failed to properly respect. But did it deserve our respect? Or is it creepy, even dangerous, to have a home for whatever spirits drop by, sitting right on your kitchen counter?
We concluded that it was time to get rid of it. But how? A spirit house isn't something you just regift. No, throwing it out was the best option. We prayed nobody would find it in the trash and feel offended. Picking it up, we noticed a large, disgusting bug clinging to it. "Hey, doesn't Buddhism teach that evil people reincarnate as bugs?" We decided that, if Buddhism is true, we must have Hitler's spirit clinging to that cute little house. No, thank you!
Tossing it in the trash, we heard the house crunch as we closed the lid. Good riddance!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Teacher Retreat at Koh Kong
One thing that it showed me is that the Logos administration is flexible. At first, they envisioned the retreat as a seminar for expatriate (foreign) teachers on handling stress. But some of the teachers approached them about including the Khmer (Cambodian) teachers and assistants as well. The administration extended the invitation to them, even though it meant exceeding their budget, and I was so glad. The time I spent with Khmer staff on the retreat left some of my most significant memories.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Your creativity needed!
Logos is moving to a new building in the spring. We're leaving our current location for a new school that will be starting: a Christian school for middle-class Khmer students. They're looking for a name (in English) for the school. The administrator is offering "a chocolate prize" to those with good suggestions.
So, in case you got lost along the way, let me summarize. If you help me think of a good name...
1. You could have a Cambodian school with the name of your choosing.
2. I could have chocolate.
Oh, wouldn't that be lovely?
Monday, September 28, 2009
Portrait of a Phnom Penh Tourist

Our first stop was the notorious Tuol Sleng prison, converted from a school during the Khmer Rouge atrocities. It looks eerily similar to other local schools, and they've changed hardly anything inside since the prison stopped operating. But apparently it's been cleaned up a bit in recent years.

Each room in this corridor held 16 cells, about 2 feet wide. The cells, like the rooms, have no doors, because there was nowhere to escape to.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
The World Tetris Championships...
"Waiting" seems part of the job description for house helpers, guards, moto drivers, food vendors, and many others. One house on my way to school always has 3 uniformed guards sitting around, watching me walk. I pass probably 10 moto and tuk-tuk drivers in my 5-minute walk, waiting for passengers. Guys sit outside the car wash, which rarely has cars or motos to clean. I bet 30% of Phnom Penh males spend more than half their day sitting around with their cell phones. (Girls? I'm not sure. Some are vendors or collect recycled goods, but mostly they're not outside as much. They're more likely to be house helpers - cooking and cleaning - or to work in the schools, run stands in the market, raise children, etc. I'm sure many girls and guys also work in factories, unseen by my eyes.)
The lounging guys make it weird for me, because as a girl, I'm not supposed to make eye contact or acknowledge them at all. But I pass them every day, and they have no qualms about staring at me, as they would at any obvious foreigner. Let's face it: a white person is 60% more interesting than Round 92 of the day on Tetris. In the US, if I passed someone daily, we'd exchange a smile, nod, or quick "how are you," but that could get me into trouble here. So I focus on the road until there's a little kid or a woman for me to smile at. Sometimes they even make a joke out of it, staring at me from a few feet away so it's really unnatural for me not to look at them, then cracking up. I sometimes glance at them out of the corner of my eye, but I'm trying to be good and not act familiar with them. (This is also a challenge when I'm in a tuk-tuk facing backward, toward all the moto drivers looking straight ahead.)
State of bewilderment
In France, I learned about the different stages of culture shock: first you think everything's more or less the same as at home, then you think it's fun that it's different, then you get angry with the differences, then you feel sad, and finally you grow to accept the differences and maybe even adopt some. I don't think I've been going through clear stages here: I've mixed them all up regarding various aspects of life, and I'll probably continue to for a while. But while I don't feel distressed, I have felt bewildered by several phenomena here.
For example, it's rainy season, so on most days, it rains hard in the afternoon or evening. The rain doesn't shock me. But the drain clogs do: even after a moderate storm, Logos' street is often submerged by a few inches. One teaching assistant has a first-floor apartment in a particularly low area (Phnom Penh is mostly flat): her house has been knee-deep in water for weeks now. That means she can't ever put her baby down. Her family has been getting sick as a result, so she stayed behind to teach while her husband, mother, and baby went to stay with relatives in the provinces for a week. They can't afford to move, so they just have to deal with the water several months a year.
Corruption is engrained deeply in Khmer culture, and I think it'll take me years to see how pervasive it is. But one place where it shows is in the school system. This year, as usual, test answers were for sale outside most schools on the day of the national high school exams. Unlike previous years, teachers were supposed to confiscate those booklets and fail students caught cheating. They didn't catch everyone, and probably didn't try to. But the failure rate jumped from almost zero to 80%. Yes, only 20% of students passed the exam this year. One Khmer person pointed out that it's futile to change the high school exit exam when students have never taken a test without cheating during their entire educational career. It continues in college: students routinely bribe teachers so that they can cut classes for weeks at a time and still earn passing grades. As a result, employers value experience over degrees: they have no idea if a prospective employee actually learned anything in college.
House helpers are another source of bewilderment. Most foreign families and wealthier Khmer families have one or more. Rich families have many: a guard or two at the gate, a cook, a chauffeur for their shiny black SUV with the giant "Lexus" logo, a nanny, a Mr. Fix-It guy. House helpers earn about $50-80 a month, but also expect help when they run into difficulties like illness, a moto breakdown, family trouble, etc. In this hierarchical society, they are not just employees but clients under a patron. They're often left in charge of children, but without the real authority to discipline children. So there are children who talk back to their nannies and hit them, and there are many children who do whatever they want when the parents are gone: stay up all night on school nights, watch uncensored TV, whatever.
I'm slowly discovering more about Khmer culture, but hearing about it and even seeing it doesn't mean that I understand it. And that's OK.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Sureyah's off to Canada!

Have you ever felt attached to a total stranger? It's one of the cool and surreal things about life at Logos. There are a few former teachers and students about whom I've heard such extensive praise that I honestly care about them. Sureyah Tach is probably the strongest example. A full-scholarship student who commuted from an orphanage far across town, he was deemed "Student of the Month" for this past April and earned the admiration and friendship of students and teachers alike. All the teachers have told me how motivated, warm-hearted, and spiritually mature he is. He's a gifted leader, strong in academics, who aspires to study medicine and help address the myriad gaps in Cambodia's medical care. But at graduation this May, he had no money and no plans for college.
The Logos administration fought hard to get him a full ride at Trinity Western University in Vancouver. This summer, Trinity finally agreed, and Sureyah was able to start the slow process of obtaining a Canadian student visa. He arrived in Bangkok, Thailand nearly two weeks ago. After a successful interview and piles of paperwork, he had his medical forms sent to be signed in Singapore: a process that could take up to 6 weeks. Until then, he had to wait alone at a hostel in Bangkok, since he didn't have money to fly back and forth. Meanwhile, orientation starts Saturday, and his flight today was looking impossible. With funds dwindling and no familiar faces, he was getting pretty discouraged. Praise God - on Wednesday, the paperwork arrived, giving Sureyah 24 hours back in Phnom Penh to pack and say goodbye before flying out this morning! (He stopped by my British Literature class to say goodbye to my juniors and seniors, and we laid hands on him and prayed for him. I felt as though I was meeting a celebrity!)
Pray for Sureyah on his flights and during his adjustment to Trinity. It's miraculous to see how God has already taken him from an orphan doomed to poverty, to a high-achieving high school student, to an international at a top Canadian university. But Sureyah's needs will be great in the next few years...emotionally (apart from his siblings and the only home he knows), academically (as an English language learner), physically (he's going to freeze!), spiritually...and we at Logos will be continuing to count on God to supply his every need.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
New Friends
Susie teaches kindergarten at another local school, but she spends a lot of her free time with us. She's an expert at bartering, which makes her a useful friend as well as a sweet and fun one. On Sunday, when we tried to go to church together, she found she was locked inside her gate, and the house helpers with keys had gone to church! (They left her only 1 of the 2 keys she needed.) So we chatted for a while through the gate while she waited for them to return and rescue her. We were only 10 minutes late to church, since I had the time wrong and thought it started half an hour earlier.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Rags alongside Riches
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Dinner at Sovannary's
Left to right: Sarah, me, Danielle, Lorissa
So when I left for Cambodia, I thought that I would get a house helper to prepare meals for me, because that's what all the Westerners seem to do. (Western groceries are expensive, Khmer groceries are hard to cook with if you're inexperienced, and getting food cooked for you can be really cheap. Plus it helps the local economy.) However, house helpers can get complicated. They want a full-time job, and might expect you to pay their medical bills, buy them a new moto when theirs breaks down, etc. Some are also dishonest and take money if you carelessly leave it lying around. Sarah and I still might hire a girl she met to clean our house a few hours a week, since she's really desperate for a job in order to continue paying for college.
For meals, though, we followed a friend's advice and headed to Slek Chheur, a small restaurant a few doors down from us. It's run by the lovely Sovannary, a former Logos cook who can make anything, from pad thai to potato soup, taste amazing. So, for $1.50 a night each, Sarah and I have been enjoying her delicious meals every weeknight, on a monthly menu rotation. Lorissa and Danielle do the same thing, and it's so nice to hang out with them and chat with Sovannary. (Plus she's installing wi fi and adding a ping-pong table and a DVD player!)
Suzanne joined us for the first time last night, sampling the marvelous banana smoothies (Cambodia's superior bananas => superior banana smoothies), and took our picture for us. She's excellent about documentation!
Things I've seen atop a moving moto
A folded-up mattress
A family of six
Monks wearing saffron (orangish-yellow) robes, some talking on cell phones and/or carrying bright yellow umbrellas
Young babies asleep in their parents’ laps
A bicycle
A mom feeding her baby a bottle. OK, this time the moto wasn’t moving – I guess she just thought it was more comfortable or convenient than going inside. Sarah calls motos “the lawnchairs of Phnom Penh.”
People’s dogs
Giant baskets of fruit or peanuts going to market
Sarah’s desk and armoire (5’ tall thing to hold her clothes, like a portable closet) – on a single moto
A ladder
Life on the Side
However, no matter the form they take, their functions are diverse. I appreciate this, because it means that even living inside the “Logos Bubble,” I get glimpses into many aspects of everyday life here. Calling these areas a “sidewalk” would not begin to describe the activities that occur along the road, even on my three short blocks to school. (Actually, Khmer people don’t like walking anywhere; you sit still or drive whenever possible.) Instead, more accurate titles might include:
The Sideweld: I often have to veer around the giant torches to weld and split old recycled metal pipes and such.
The Sidebathe: Also at the recycling center, guys in their underwear routinely soap up and scrub off.
The Sidesleep: Especially tuk-tuk drivers waiting for customers, but others as well. (See “sideplay.)
The Sidevend: Bicycles carry stands of sweet sticky rice, Ovaltine drinks, bubble tea and more to the area in front of Logos right after school (talk about strategic!) and all over the city.
The Sidepray: Gold-colored spirit houses are located outside many homes and businesses. While Khmer Buddhists are not that observant, many leave food or herbs inside the spirit houses to honor their ancestors.
The Sideburn: Hehe, I couldn’t resist! Besides, what else would I call the piles of burning trash that are in my way a few times a week?
The Sideplay: Actually not funny at all. I’m glad I only see these kids at 7 AM and 5 PM. That way I can pretend that in the hours in between, they’re going to school and not continuing to kick a broken flip-flop back and forth. Actually, the worst was two toddlers playing in the dark in front of a passed-out adult. Would the adult wake up if someone abducted the kids?
The Sidewed: Want to marry a Khmer? Just set up a colorful tent immediately outside their house. Party for days to loud music, and you’ll be ready for a lifetime of commitment.
The Sideguard: This city is full of people trying to look official and threatening while playing Cell Phone Tetris for eight hours at a stretch. Don’t let them fool you. Having had problems with theft by previous employees, Logos started its own guard company, named Lightning Security after our Logos Lightning sports teams. They took photos of other local guards and asked a tailor to copy the uniforms. Now we have about 5 full-time guards; at all hours, at least one is greeting people by the gate. It’s a great chance for me to practice my Khmer, and they do some yardwork for Logos too.
Friday, August 14, 2009
One week into classes...
That lunchtime prayer circle testifies to another dramatic aspect of Logos: the community. Several situations I’ve been in would have been utterly ludicrous at State High. Picture this. On the first two days of class, I meet my five classes, totalling about 90 students. But I recognize about twelve familiar faces. Stephen, for instance. I got an e-mail from his mom (head of the Parents’ Association) back in May, when I first committed to Logos. It had the link to her blog, which I read curiously. Over the summer, I talked to his aunt Megan, a fellow teacher, about what to expect at Logos. Stephen’s family picked up my roommate from the airport, took her furniture shopping, and invited us for lunch on my second day. His dad, who teaches several classes, helped me with a seating chart and rescued my friend Danielle when she got lost after dark.
Another example? I already spent the night at the home of several students – and returned later for part of their Lord of the Rings marathon. Three of my students live in the House of Faith, Asian Hope’s home for girls. I recognized several from their photos and brief autobiographies, which I had seen online back in March, before even being offered a job. I hung out there one evening with several other teachers to watch Samedi, in sixth grade, while their two guardians (Beth and Anna) were out. When I got home, I found my landlord had locked the gate outside and was not answering his phone. (I’ve since gotten a key.) So I ended up returning to their house for the night and sleeping in Beth’s room. The next weekend, I was back to plan lessons with Anna, who’s co-teaching a writing class with me. But they sucked us into the last hour of “Fellowship of the Rings,” which they had nearly memorized. They also gave me my first taste of jackfruit – so sweet and satisfying, I practically devoured the whole bowl!
By the way, spending the night at the House of Faith involved THE COOLEST thing I’ve seen here yet. When Anna drove my roommate Sarah and me back to the house, she pulled up her car in front of the house but left the engine running, and we weren’t sure whether to get out yet. But she told us it would be easier now than when she pulled in. Pulled in where? We didn’t see a garage. Just then, Beth came from inside and pulled open the entire gate that forms the front wall of their downstairs, kind of a big rec room. We saw that she had dragged all the couches to the back wall. Anna rolled the car straight ahead over the tiled floor, and I realized that this was their rec room/garage! It was astounding, and I am bitter that I didn’t take a picture of it. These big square tiles are ubiquitous – there’s even a Tile Alley downtown that sells nothing else – and I can see why. They’re beautiful and indestructible, whether you’re driving on them, draining your washing machine onto them (that was me – oops!), killing cockroaches on them, or just walking with your ever-dirty feet on them.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
The Newbies
Sarah – my roommate, from Indiana, teaching first grade. Sarah is one of ten siblings, loves creating bulletin boards, and has more common sense than I do. (Thank goodness!) She and I are both excited to get to know our neighbors, and she’s even hoping to organize some of the neighborhood kids (who always say “hello” as we walk down the street) into a little English club.
Danielle – from Texas, teaching health, P.E., swimming, and algebra. Danielle loves tie dye and has been dancing for over a dozen years (all kinds). Having just turned 22, she’s the only one younger than I am.
Lorissa – from Winnipeg, Manitoba, teaching kindergarten. Lorissa taught in Thailand last year and spent a year in China teaching English, but Cambodia has been her first love for a while since making friends from here while at college.
Erin – from Florida, teaching art and kindergarten swimming. Erin has many ties to PA: her mom’s from Philly and her dad’s from Pittsburgh, so she grew up rooting for the Phillies and the Penguins. While Danielle and Lorissa live together, Erin is staying with 4 returning teachers.
Bob + Thierai (sp? Pronounced like “Tear-Eye”) – from Minnesota, he’s teaching sixth grade, she’s helping a third grader one-on-one due to his developmental delays. (“I’m just here with him,” she always says.) Thierai is a native of Cambodia and ethnic Khmer, but came to the US as a refugee decades ago. Bob loves being here; Thierai is adjusting to life as a “hidden immigrant,” where people tell her that her accent is funny and even tell her she looks Korean and not Khmer.
Suzanne – from Vancouver (?), ESL coordinator. Suzanne has fascinating stories about her time in Taiwan, Japan, and the houseboat community of CA. Determined to master the Khmer language, she’s the only one with a homestay. She gave us a quilting class last week, which her host family’s cook, Bonika, also attended in hopes of starting a microbusiness in quilting. Suzanne is my kindred spirit in her love for Jane Austen-esque literature and period films like “North and South” (one of 2 movies I brought along).
Shirley – a South Philly native, teaching fifth grade. Shirley left her career as a social worker to obtain a master’s in education from Penn and teach reading at a special education school before coming here. As the lone African-American on staff, she has a beautiful and powerful voice that resonates, especially when talking about her passion to help kids here, or when praying about God’s promises for Cambodia.
Lyle – from California, IT specialist and computer teacher. He just arrived Monday from 2 years teaching English in Japan. His girlfriend is also working in Phnom Penh, so hopefully we’ll get to know her too when she returns in a couple months. We’ve all been eagerly anticipating Lyle’s arrival; he even missed part of orientation Monday and Tuesday to fix some server issues. He’ll have his hands full, for sure!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Barbie Dreamhouse
Hello Kitty x McDonalds?!?
Monday, July 27, 2009
Finally here already
Monday, July 20, 2009
Savoring the Shire

Since The Hobbit is in the eighth grade curriculum I'm teaching, I've been re-reading it this week. I realized that my trip this Thursday echoes in some ways the epic journeys in The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Bilbo and later Frodo, who have always enjoyed their clean, comfortable, close-knit Shire, are suddenly challenged to exchange it all for an enormous unknown, filled with perils and discomforts to match every joy and triumph. And yet both Bilbo and Frodo accept their quest, and find hidden strength, dear friends, and the chance to accomplish something great. I suppose the major difference between them and me is that I signed up for this adventure. Unlike Bilbo and Frodo, who departed within hours of hearing about the quest, I've wanted this for as long as I can remember. My advance notice has given me the chance to savor my own Shire. Some examples:
-Quiet roads: as opposed to dusty traffic 6 motorcycles deep on a 2-lane street (and where few motorcycles feature solo riders - see above photo)
-Drinking tap water straight from the faucet...with no fear of exotic diseases like cryptosporidiosis
-Sounding normal: nobody here teases me for my Southeast Pennsylvania accent or asks me to repeat myself
-Viewers like you: I've been spending quality time, either face-to-face or using free phone minutes, with dear friends and family, not knowing whether my Internet connection there will be strong enough to support a full-speed conversation on Skype-Chocolate and dairy: I think they're both available there, but harder to find and pricier
-Being cold: the highs in Phnom Penh and Doylestown are similar this week (around 83), but the low is rarely ever below 75, and the high can be pretty toasty:"We have had lots of heat, over 40C/104F most days (in the shade according to the school thermometer). This increased heat means that more people try to use the aircon and therefore we are losing power more often. We are losing power anywhere from 1 to 10 hours per day. Not having a fan during that time is even harder than not having aircon."
-Swiping a card: 80% of transactions in Cambodia take place using cash, specifically the American dollar ($1 = 4200 riels)
-Functional drains: rainstorms can flood Phnom Penh streets with more than just water
Still, it's almost time for me to leave. There'll be many positive things about Phnom Penh, and I can't wait to chronicle my discoveries for you, my enraptured audience.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Cambodia Prayer E-mails
Well, I'm off to Cambodia this week: Thursday, July 23, to be precise. Many of you have asked how to pray for me, and I am so grateful! If you would like me to send you prayer updates, please write your e-mail address below. How to know if YOU should write your e-mail below:1. If you want stories and photos, but not necessarily prayer requests, read my blog: I don't want to put you in a conundrum regarding how to cease without praying.*
2. If you asked me in person to add you, I'll try hard to remember, but no promises. You'd better write your e-mail again. (If you wrote it down on paper, you're probably safe.)
3. If you were on my e-mail list for France/Germany stories, write your name below anyway - I don't have those lists anymore.
4. If you are a member of ICF at Penn State, I'm sending my e-mails to the whole listserve. You don't need to send me your e-mail.
5. If you were not tagged in this note, I apologize. I'd still love to send you e-mails. Please write your e-mail below.
Thanks guys!
*Taken from the blog Stuff Christians Like:
"This chapter is about when you somehow find yourself on an email prayer chain that you don’t remember signing up for and you’re almost positive that you don’t know anyone in the Nantahala River Gorge region and you’re not sure you’re committed to praying daily via email reminders for the river people. How do you quit a prayer chain like that without looking like you hate God and river people and maybe even gorges which doesn’t even make sense?"
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Defining "in the boonies"
Q: We are serving in a remote village, a 5-day walk from the nearest airstrip, plus a plane journey away from the nearest doctor. There is, however, a police post with radio contact, which could be reached in one long day's run by a local villager. We are therefore concerned about what happens in an emergency. The program wording says it covers emergency medical airlift upon the advice of a registered practitioner. However, in our situation there are no doctors available. We would have to assess the situation ourselves, and if we thought it was an emergency, send a local runner down to the police post with a message to radio for help. Please can you give us a definite 'yes' or 'no' as to whether the policy would provide emergency helicopter lift out under these sort of conditions?
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Where grief was a luxury
I'd love to think that victims bond together in their suffering, that they bear one another's burdens. But that's often not how it works, and in Loung's case, her fellow victims increased her sorrows rather than sharing them. She spent the years from age 5 to 10 channeling her terror and grief into rage and anger. Amazingly, Loung overcame these patterns and now works from the US as an advocate against land mines, testifying to their destruction in her native Cambodia.
In one pivotal scene, her mom splits up the family, hoping that it will increase the chances one of them will survive. She convinces her kids that she's too spent by grief to love them anymore:
“Remember,” Ma whispers, “don’t go together and don’t come back.” My heart sinks as I realize Ma really is sending us away.
“Ma, I’m not going!” I plant my feet to the ground, refusing to move.
“Yes, you are!” Ma says sternly. “Your Pa is gone now, and I just cannot take care of you kids. I don’t want you here! You are too much work for me! I want you to leave!” Ma’s eyes stare at us blankly.
“Ma,” my arms reach out to her, pleading with her to take me into her arms and tell me I can stay. But she swats them back with a quick slap.
“Now go!” she turns me around by the shoulders and bends down to give me a hard swat on the butt, pushing me away.
Later, Loung tries to obey the family who has temporarily taken her in, by bringing food to their dying grandmother:
When the nurse leaves, the grandmother’s face darkens and she turns her attention to me. “What are you doing? Give me my food!” she barks at me and unwraps the banana leaves to find rice and salted pork. “Stupid girl! I know you ate some on the way. I am old and I need this more than you.” I say nothing and continue to stand there. “You are a little thief – I know you are. You are not even grateful we took you in. Stupid little thief!” Hearing her hateful words, I cannot find it in my heart to feel sorry for her anymore, and I leave her with her cries and moans and the stench of impending death.
Just after the Khmer Rouge surrenders, she and a strange girl find a body in the river while fetching water. To avoid painful emotions, she assumes he's an enemy:
“The water is too shallow. On the count of three, you push the body and I’ll push the head,” I direct. After a concerted effort, the body finally floats down the river, his long hair spreading around. The picture tugs at my heart and knots up my stomach. For a few brief seconds I think of Geak and hope the soldiers did not put her in a bag and throw her into the river. I nearly cry at the thought of someone poking at her body, but I push the tears down. “Another damn Khmer Rough,” I mutter under my breath. “I hate them. I hope they all die.” We wait a few minutes until we believe the body fluids have all floated past us before fetching our water.
The Khmer Rouge's reign of terror ended thirty years ago, but trials for their crimes against humanity are just beginning this year. Nearly everyone in Cambodia today either endured this themselves or was raised by someone who endured this. How long does it take, after crimes of this magnitude, for justice to come? And where the average citizen was both a victim and a perpetrator, how long does it take for an entire society to find healing?